2012年9月11日 星期二

wisdom® Apparel F/W 2012 Collection : SUPERTRAMP

wisdom® Apparel F/W 2012 Collection : SUPERTRAMP

  SUPERTRAMP,靈感取自電影Into the Wild(阿拉斯加之死) 中
主角Christopher Johnson McCandless改名換姓為Alexander SupertrampLast Name

wisdom Apparel 2012 Collection 將以” SUPERTRAMP”為主題,
” Urban Outdoor “的品牌精神以及” Made in Taiwan “的在地驕傲,
  Inspired by the book/film "Into The Wild"
and the name Alexander Supertramp adopted by Christopher Johnson McCandless,
 the SUPERTRAMP collection represents the abandonment of youth from the world
 towards a greater reality, it symbolizes the dreamer's redefinition of his or her life
 mid-journey. Yet it is not merely a dream,
as this search for oneself is actually put into practice in one's journey,
 in one's relationship with others, in the emotional bonds built between us,
and the gain from such relationships and bonds.

  Wisdom Apparel's 2012 Collection is centered around this " SUPERTRAMP " idea

through the spirit of its design, the selection of its material,
 the level of craftsmanship and the balance between them,
which further manifests the "Urban Outdoor" spirit of our brand
and our pride in the "Made in Taiwan" label.
This collection, with its uncompromising quality and purpose,
is another step in our pursuit of independence.
Written by wisdom® apparel September.2012
**+MASSWORK+ 為 WISDOM 台中授權經銷商 **

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